Time series of statistics on satellite radiance

About the figures

The right picture is a simplified sample image on this web. Each figure shows statistics for satellite radiance data which were pre-processed for JMA global delayed analysis. This sample is for Meteosat-7/CSR channel 1 data used in JMA global analysis during last 50 days. Global averages and total observation count are displayed. The details of each figure are follows.
1. Mean
This figure shows mean of departures from observed radiances (OBS) and those computed using radiative transfer model from global model output. FG and AN mean first guess and analysis respectively. bcorOBS is bias corrected observed radiance.
2. Standard deviation
This figure shows standard deviation of departures.
3. Mean of brightness temperature
This figure shows mean of brightness temperature. OBS, FG and ANA mean observations without bias correction, first guess and analysis respectively.
4. Number of observations
This figure shows data count of observations which were pre-processed for JMA global analysis. n_all means number of all pre-processed data. n_used means number of assimilated data in an analysis. n_displayed is equal to n_all in case of "All Data", or n_used in case of "Used Data"
|       Statistics for Radiance from MET-7/CSR      |
|                Channel=1, Used Data               |
| Area:lon_w=0.0,lon_e=360.0,lat_n=90.0,lat_s=-90.0 |
|                                                   |
|  -----------------------------------------------  |
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| |  1. Mean                                      | |
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|  -----------------------------------------------  |
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| |  2. Standard deviation                        | |
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|  -----------------------------------------------  |
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| |  3. Mean of brightness temperature            | |
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|  -----------------------------------------------  |
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| |  4. Number of observations                    | |
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